Project Analysis
Know that you have building needs, but are unsure how to define your project? We can help you prioritize your project needs versus wants which can help guide the direction of you building project and allow you to move your project forward.
Estimating/ Budgeting
Need help in establishing budgeting various facility needs for long/short term planning? We can help you establish realistic all-in costs for all of your future construction/maintenance needs.
Cost Control
Whether its preliminary program budgets, full blown design estimates or cost control during construction, we can help keep you on budget.
Phasing/ Scheduling
Determining how to build your project can be just as important as what you bid. We can help you determine how to build your project with minimal disruptions to your operations as well as how long it shall take to design, price and build each phase of your building program.
Site Analysis
All sites are not created equal. Sometimes the “cheap” property can cost you more in the long run due to site conditions and infrastructure requirements.
RFQ/RFP Guidance
Not sure on how to go about hiring an Architect or other professional services? We can help you develop a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and/or Request for Proposal (RFP) that is tailored to fit your specific needs while still maintaining compliance with State Statutes.
Design Team Collaboration
If you need to provide checks and balances on your design team, we can provide these services. We can create custom check lists for your design team to keep them on track for your project.
Value Engineering Studies
Value Engineering (VE) can be a useful tool to outline the pros and cons of numerous building materials that may be available to you for your project. VE studies provide you with the information you need to make the right material selections for your building program.
Bid Packaging
The way in which work is packaged prior to asking for pricing can save you money. We can help organize your needed work to allow you to maximize the value you get on contractor pricing.
Bid Solicitation/ Evaluations
Bid review is more than just looking at the low number. We can help you evaluate all bids to ensure you are comparing apples and to apples and getting your best value.
MBE/WBE/DBE Inclusion
If utilization of Minority owned, Women owned or other disadvantaged business are important to you, we can help you set up a program to meet and exceed your project goals.
Contractor Negotiations
Asking the right questions of vendors prior to signing them up for work can be an invaluable service. If you need this service, we can help.
Reporting and Presentations
Need help communicating your project planning or progress on your building project? We can develop a fully customized program to help you share your project vision and/or progress with your stakeholders.
Furnishings, Furniture and Equipment Coordination
Your building project is not complete until your furniture and equipment have been set up for your new space. We can help you coordinate the timing, logistics and hook up of these items.
System Training
New spaces often times have new equipment and new products that your team may not be familiar with how to use or maintain. We can coordinate training sessions with your team as needed and we will record that training for use in refresher training or for future new hires.
Warranty Follow-up
Not sure if an item is or should be covered under a project warranty. We know where to look and can help you determine if you have warranty coverage available for items of work well after the completion of your original building project.